Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Luv My Babies Photography photo Wins Again!!!

I won this bag during a beach photo contest from "Flashbags" I love their bags they are super cute!!

I had one of my clients enter a photo that I took of her son for the August contest!! and she won this wallet!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lollipop Girl!!

I just love this session I did with this little one that is getting ready to turn 2!! She loved it when I pulled out this huge lollipop.

Frederick's Child Magazine

Luv My Babies Photography was in the August-Sept issue of the Frederick's Child Magazine.  I had the two pages framed and this hangs above my desk.  I am hoping to have some more of my amazing little clients in future issues.

Can we say....."BABY BOOM"

I have been spending my time with some babies here are a few....I love it!!!